Manage users

Manage users

For a list of users, go to your dashboard and choose Manage Site Users (or Manage District Users if you are at the district level). Only District and Site Communication Team members can manage users.

To add new users, see Add new users.

Table of users

On the user management page, CatapultConnect groups users into several tabs by category. For a description of these categories, see User role on the add new users page.

Table headings

  • Name: Last name followed by first name.

  • Email: The primary email used to receive messages and also used to sign in

  • Role/Position: For example, “Teacher”, “Principal”, etc.

  • Single Sign-On: Whether the sign in integrates with the user’s main work id and password. For details, see Password on the new user page.

  • Imported: Whether the user was imported from the organization's HR/student information system (versus a user that was added manually in CatapultConnect).

  • Type: Site users only. Legacy names for the tab headings (“Teacher” means “Staff”, “School Admin” means “Site Safety Team”). Can be useful in the Deactivated tab, where you see multiple types of users in the same list.

  • Date: Substitutes only. Shows when a substitute was assigned to a site/school.


  • Edit: Change user settings. For a description of all user settings, see Add new users.

  • Deactivate: Any users no longer working at a site should be deactivated so they do not receive unnecessary messages.

  • Activate: Substitutes and Deactivated tabs only. If a deactivated user or substitute starts working at your site again, choose Activate to bring them back.

Search by name

You can search users by name. As you type, names filter away and each tab displays a count of matching users (see red outline on figure below). Remember to check all tabs, since the person you want might be in another tab.

Search by email

You can search users by email address. Unlike names, email searches check across district and site boundaries and let you edit that user if you have the access to that site. This can be particularly helpful for managing users that work at multiple sites.

Since the pop-up can interrupt your typing, you may prefer to copy and paste the email address from elsewhere rather than type directly into the search box.