Opt-out list
At the end of every voice call, email, and text, CatapultConnect includes a choice for recipients to opt-out of future messages. The Opt-Out List shows every email address and phone number that opted out of messages for your district.
The opt-out list can be useful for troubleshoot why a particular contact did not receive your message.
Opt outs are district-wide. A recipient cannot opt-out of a specific school or staff member.
How to get there
District or Site Communication Team
Sign in with a District or Site Communication Team account.
From your dashboard, choose View Opt-Out List.
Staff do not have an option on their dashboard to view the opt-out list, but can see a link to the same list during message creation, step 2. Confirm this is correct when staff sign-ins start working again.
Opt-in link
The top of the page includes a link to “Opt Back In.” Feel free to share this link on your district or school website.
You can search for a specific email address or phone number. For phone numbers, type digits only (“5555555555” not “555-555-5555”).
The list is sorted alphabetically by email address. Notice that recipients may opt out of a particular communication method (such as voice), rather than opting out of all methods of communication.