Choose the ≡ (Menu) button (top right corner) for quick access to features. The menu is available in all pages on CatapultEMS.
[Email address]: Shows user who is signed in. Useful for shared computers/devices.
Home: Quickest way to return to the dashboard.
Update Contact Info: Update your cell phone, alternate phone and email, password (if applicable), and communication preferences.
Safety Team Help Manual: (Visible to Site Safety Team and District Safety Team) Complete help guide for Site Safety Teams and First Responders.
Staff Help Manual: Abridged guide for staff members.
Evacuation Maps: Shows evacuation maps for your site. (Menu item not available to district-level staff. Go to individual sites to see maps.)
Emergency Procedures: Review emergency procedures at any time.
Login CatapultConnect: (Visible if your district uses CatapultConnect). Quickly switch over to the CatapultConnect dashboard.
Contact Us: Submit a support ticket to the CatapultEMS team.
Log Out: Sign out of CatapultEMS. Useful when others might use the same device as you.