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For the training video, see Menu Information and Drill Mode (site users) and Managing District Users

Site User Management

Site User Management allows you three options: search for staff, add new users, and manage users. Click the button labeled “Site Users” on the top right of the Dashboard to access user management. To find staff click in the ‘Search’ box and enter the name. To add user, go to Add New User description. Below the “Add New User” button you can manage users by selected the appropriate tab. Once the tab is selected, you can select a particular staff member and view, edit, or deactivate their account, along with selecting the name to evaluate their students.


Add New User

To add a new user, click the “Add New User” green button viewed in the previous screen. Make sure to enter in the following information: first name, last name, email, role/position. Note: Do not enter staff mobile numbers. Any EMS User can enter their mobile number when confirming their account.

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Add New User (cont.)

This screen displays the Communication Preferences (i.e. alerts user will receive) and User Role Settings (i.e. user access level and password options). Keep in mind if you are adding a Staff or Other Staff user, they will not be able to receive Incident Alerts. If you would like the staff member to receive Incident Alerts, they will need access of Site Safety Team.

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Temporary Staff Expiration

To add expiration dates to temporary staff, please see previous description on Site User Management. Once appropriate staff is selected it is vital you do two things: select correct user role setting and enter correct expiration date. Scroll to ‘User Role Settings’, select ‘Other Staff’ which will allow you access to enter a date under ‘Keep Account Active Until’. Note: Once account is expired, staff member will no longer have access to CatapultEMS. If staff does came back to work you can reactivate the account by going to the 'Deactivated' tab and activating their account.


Site Confirmation Email

The screen below will only display if the green 'Save & Send Confirmation' button was selected, refer to 'Add New User' for more details. Use this option when adding a new EMS user or updating a current account. The 'Subject' and 'Comment' section can be modified, with the exception to any text surrounded by three $$$ (e.g., $$$EMAIL$$$). Once the email is ready, select the green 'Send' button to send the confirmation to the applicable staff. Reference 'User Account Confirmed (Email & Text)' for more details.


User Account Confirmed (Email & Text)

Once staff has confirmed their account, the date confirmed will display under the Email or Text Confirmation column. For staff that are missing a date or it has been awhile since confirmed, refer to 'Site Confirmation Email' for more details.

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Password Troubles!

If staff is having troubles logging in, first check if they are logging in with their Active Directory. If it states 'yes' under the Active Directory column, please refer to your IT team to verify the correct password is being used. If it states 'no', the password can be updated and a new confirmation can be sent. Refer to 'Site Confirmation Email' for more details.

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Deactivate User Account

CatapultEMS allows the Site Safety Team to deactivate users from their site. If an user is deactivated from a site, they will not be able to be logged in to that site anymore, and the account will show up under the "deactivated" tab. However, if the user is assigned to multiple sites and is only deactivated from one of them, the user will be able to log into all of the other sites they are not deactivated from.


Activate Substitute

To see a list of substitutes and activate a substitute: Click on the 'Substitute' tab. If you do not see your substitute, contact the District Office for assistance.

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Activate Substitute (cont.)

When you see the name of the substitute, click on 'Activate' on the far right hand side. Choose the dates that the substitute will be active and click 'save'. If you do not see the substitute you need, please contact your District Office for assistance.


For a list of users, go to your dashboard and choose Manage Site Users (or Manage District Users if you are at the district level). Only District and Site Safety Team members can manage users.

To add new users, see Add new users.

Table of users

On the user management page, CatapultEMS groups users into several tabs by type. For a description of these types, see User role on the add new users page.

Table headings

  • Name: Last name followed by first name.

  • Email: The primary email used to receive messages and also used to sign in

  • Role/Position: For example, “Teacher”, “Principal”, etc.

  • Email Conf.: Date user signed in to CatapultEMS to confirm their email address.

  • Text Conf.: Date user signed in to CatapultEMS to confirm their phone number for text messages. To confirm your phone number, visit:

  • Single Sign-On: Whether the sign in integrates with the user’s main work id and password. For details, see Password on the new user page.

  • Imported: Whether the user was imported from the organization's HR/student information system (versus a user that was added manually in CatapultEMS).

  • Type: Site users only. Matches tab headings (“Staff”, “Other Staff”, “Site Safety Team”, etc.). Can be useful in the Deactivated tab, where you see multiple types of users in the same list.

  • Date: Substitutes only. Shows when a substitute was assigned to a site/school.


  • Edit: Change user settings. For a description of all user settings, see Add new users.

  • Deactivate: Deactivate any users who no longer work at your site. That way they don’t receive unnecessary alerts.

  • Activate: Substitutes and Deactivated tabs only. If a deactivated user or substitute starts working at your site again, choose Activate to bring them back.

Search by name

You can search users by name. As you type, names filter away and each tab displays a count of matching users (see red outline on figure below). Remember to check all tabs, since the person you want might be in another tab.


Search by email

You can search users by email address. Unlike names, email searches check across district and site boundaries and let you edit that user if you have the access to that site. This can be particularly helpful for managing users that work at multiple sites.


Since the pop-up can interrupt your typing, you may prefer to copy and paste the email address from elsewhere rather than type directly into the search box.

Password resets

Depending on a user’s setup, their password might be controlled by CatapultEMS or controlled by your IT team.

  • If the Single Sign-On column says “Yes,” their password is synced with their work email. Talk to your IT team to reset the password.

  • If the Single Sign-On column says “No,” reset the password in CatapultEMS.

For more details, see the Password section in “Add new users.”