Add district users
Choose Generate Random Password or manually type in an initial password.
Choose Require password change on next log in (bottom of page).
Be sure to choose Save and Send at the end, so the user receives their initial password. Save and Send not implemented as of July 2020. Manually send user an email instead.
Alternate phone number
Optional. Can be an office/classroom phone.
Choose the x next to a site name if you accidentally added someone to the wrong site. If a staff member is changing schools consider deactivating them rather than deleting removing them from the old site. To deactivate someone:
Info |
Why deactivate rather than deleteremove? If you deactivate a person, they stay deactivated. If you delete a personedit a user and remove them from a site, there’s a chance they might come back during a nightly import. If your school district runs nightly imports of staff lists each night, then a deleted staff member might reappear as a new person on the next import, they might reappear at their old site assignment. This only happens if the old site’s HR/student information system was not updated before you updated CatapultConnect. |