Table of Contents |
Staff information
School Association:
For Teachers:
Pulled from SchoolCode (TCH.SC)
For Non-Teacher Staff:
Pulled from PrimaryAeriesSchool (STF.PSC)
First Name:
Last Name:
For Teachers:
If valid Staff record (TCH.ID, TCH.ID2, TCH.ID3), then pulled from LastName (STF.LN)
Else pulled from LastName (TCH.TLN)
For Non-Teacher Staff:
Pulled from LastName (STF.LN)
For Teachers:
If valid Staff record (TCH.ID, TCH.ID2, TCH.ID3), then pulled from EmailAddress (UGN.EM)
Else pulled from EmailAddress (TCH.EM)
For Non-Teacher Staff:
Pulled from EmailAddress (UGN.EM)
Mobile Number:
For Teachers:
If valid Staff record (TCH.ID, TCH.ID2, TCH.ID3), then pulled from CellPhone (STF.CP)
For Non-Teacher Staff:
Pulled from CellPhone (STF.CP)
For Teachers: “Teacher”
For Non-Teacher Staff:
Pulled from Title (STF.TI)
Student information
Pulled from PermanentID (STU.ID)
School Association:
Pulled from SchoolCode (STU.SC)
If a student attends an additional specialized attendance program to which the student belongs, please enter the additional school in AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional2 (STU.AP2)
First Name:
Pulled from FirstName (STU.FN)
Last Name:
Pulled from LastName (STU.LN)
Not Pulled
Mobile Number:
Not Pulled
Student-teacher association
If there are "classes" (as in High School and Middle School), then the student / teacher association is pulled from the Course Attendance Record (CAR.TN + STU.ID).
If there are classes, then the association will be outputted if the following criteria are valid:
If Processing Sections:
There is a valid associated Section (CAR.SE)
If there is an associated Term (MST.SM)
If the term is currently happening (current date is after Start Date (TRM.D1), and before End date (TRM.D2))
No Classes:
If there are no "classes" (as in Elementary School), then the student / teacher association is pulled from CounselorNumber (STU.CU).
Contact/guardian information
Pulled from MailingName (CON.NM)
If it is not set, then it pulls from FirstName (CON.FN) and LastName (CON.LN)
If the FirstName or LastName are blank then it pulls from the ParentGuardianName (STU.PG)
CorrespondanceLanguageCode (CON.CL)
If it is not set, then it pulls from the HomeLanguageCode (STU.HL)
Pulled from EmailAddress (CON.EM)
If it is not set, then it pulls from ParentEmailAddress (STU.PEM)
Cell Phone:
Contact's Phone comes from CellPhone (CON.CP)
If it is not set, then it pulls from HomePhone (CON.TL)
Alert Types Received:
Contact’s NotificationPreferenceCode (CON.NP)