The school settings page includes setup for Facebook, Twitter and attendance alerts.
Choose Get my Access Token.
In the new window, log in with your school Facebook account.
Return to the school settings page and paste in your Access Code.
Choose Get Twitter Token.
In the new window, fill in your school Twitter Username or email and Password.
Choose Authorize app.
Return to the school settings page and fill in your Twitter Handle, Access Code, and Secret Code.
Info |
The alerts are sent to the student’s contact (parent/guardian) not to the actual student. |
For reference, the original messages are below.
$$STUDENTNAME$$ has been marked as $$ATTENDANCE$$ for $$PERIOD$$ by $$TEACHER$$.
Attendance alert schedule
You can specify when to send attendance alerts for each period and whether to send them by email or text. The number of periods comes from the student information system import.